2 Mar No Comments limterp
April 29, 2015 @ 6:30 pm – 10:00 pm
The Clifton Center
2117 Payne Street
Louisville, KY 40206
$12 before 4/29, $18 at the door

If you have not had the opportunity to learn and see Mr. Forbes in person, now is the time!  His website (www.deafandloud.com) describes him as the following,
“Sean Forbes is a ground-breaking, one-of-a-kind talent. But the stories written about him usually start out with a bold statement – “Deaf performer defies his handicap!” – or an incredulous question – “He can’t hear music, but he can make it?!?” In response, Forbes would like you to know a few things. Yes, he is deaf (about 90%, due to spinal meningitis when he was an infant), but that certainly hasn’t held him back or “handicapped” him in any way. Second of all, he’s not just a “rapper”. He’s also a prolific drummer, songwriter and communicator. “
Please take some time to read about him and please watch some of his interviews, both can be found on his website. We think you will find them uplifting and inspiring.
We encourage you, whether you know sign language or not – to please support, attend, and experience this Deaf community icon (it is a great environment for people of any age, in the Deaf community and for those who never experienced a Deaf event – it will be a memorable event).  Please come out to celebrate community and enjoy a great show with the family.  Messages like his, well – we just don’t see as much of these on television these days.  People may buy their tickets through the link below (or click here), as well as learn more about ticket options because you may want the best seats and of course, a chance to meet him!
His messages are powerful and you will leave feeling inspired – an amazing performer that will be in our own back yard.  Now, how many shows do you know that can promise that?